


  • 更新时间2024-08-22
  • 版本
  • 授权
  • 语言简体中文

Elevenlabs Reader AI Audio App Download Free is an intelligent AI text to speech software that supports voice conversion of EPUB, PDF, TXT text, and other content, allowing users to hear the content directly without looking at it. And the voice quality converted by the software is very high, without any mechanical feeling and very emotional according to the context, making it sound more enjoyable for everyone.

elevenlabs reader ai audio app download free图片1

Software features:

1. Quickly recognize and process text files in various formats such as EPUB, PDF, TXT, etc., and enjoy a smooth voice conversion experience without waiting;

2. Adopting advanced speech synthesis technology to ensure that the output speech is natural and clear, whether it is reading novels or broadcasting news, it can maintain a high degree of listenability;

3. The software's built-in sentiment analysis algorithm can intelligently adjust the tone and rhythm of speech based on the text content, allowing the audience to feel the emotional color behind the text.

elevenlabs reader ai audio app download free图片2

Advantages and highlights:

1. We value user privacy and all text processing is done locally without uploading to the server, ensuring the security of user data;

2. Users can adjust the speed, volume, and intonation of their voice according to their preferences, creating a unique auditory experience;

3. Supports text input and voice output in multiple languages, allowing users worldwide to enjoy a high-quality listening experience.


1. The software can accurately capture the emotions of the text, making listening to books no longer monotonous reading, but more like someone whispering in their ear;

2. The converted speech quality exceeded expectations, with just the right pace and intonation, making it sound very natural;

3. The software not only supports text to speech conversion but also provides auxiliary functions such as text editing and bookmark management, greatly enhancing the user's reading experience.


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