


  • 更新时间2024-05-16
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  • 语言简体中文

google Gemini 1.5 android apk can help you process multiple types of data, including text, images, video, and audio. The software is based on the efficient attention mechanism Transformer, which has a one-sentence inquiry function, leading the new trend of AI interaction. Not only can it quickly understand and respond to your every question, but it can also gain insight into the story behind every photo on your phone through advanced image recognition technology. What's more amazing is that it can summon the AI video content you want in one sentence, making your entertainment experience richer and more convenient.

google Gemini Tutorial:

1, you can access google Gemini online or through us to provide google Gemini 1.5 android apk experience on mobile phones

 google Gemini 1.5 android apk图片1

Online experience address:

2, the common functions of the picture, you can here for each answer like, share, or google search;

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3. The icon on the far right can have the following functions:

Copy: Gemini's answer can be copied.

Report legal questions: If you feel that you have violated legal questions, you can report to Google with this feature.

google Gemini 1.5 android apk图片3

4. How can Gemini read content and generate reports?

If Gemini wants to read the site content to generate a summary report, or read the English site to generate a Chinese summary, we can give Gemini the site content and then request a summary report.

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If you want to specify Gemini to generate tabular reports, you can see the following example.

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After the form data is generated, there is a hyperlink below the form, you can remit the form to Google's trial balance, please click Export to Trial balance, you can see the following screen.

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Click to open the spreadsheet, which can be opened with the Google spreadsheet, as follows: The above reader can change the file name or the worksheet name, or they can perform the file/download, and then select the file format to download the worksheet.

5. How to generate video with Gemini?

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A. First, please click the icon of upload picture, you can see the open dialog box.

b, please click on the ch16 folder skytower.jpg, press the open button, the picture will appear in the input box.

c, please enter "Please tell me where is".

d, please click the submit icon, you can get the following completely correct results.

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Xiao Bian comments:

Gemini has shown surprisingly high accuracy, thanks to its powerful ability to process long series data. It can not only understand the information of a single mode, but also integrate and reason information between different modes, providing a richer and deeper output, which is extremely rare in the current field of AI.


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